While there remains plenty of speculation on when we will see eVTOLS actually taking off, seaplanes and amphibious aviation have quietly been making an understated mark on the aviation sector. Be it for tourism, charter, cargo, medevac or offering transfers for that final stretch of point-to-point connectivity, seaplanes and flying boats are having a renaissance.

Wednesday 20 March will see the Future Opportunities for Seaplanes and Amphibious Aviation marking its debut event in Venice, Italy. The one-day conference and networking event provides a dedicated platform for the amphibious and seaplane industry to explore and debate the potential offered by this burgeoning sector as well as the stakeholder efforts to make it an efficient and environmentally friendly air mobility solution. A packed day of panel sessions will see experts debate an array of topics relating to operations, infrastructure needs, sector economics, sustainability and customer experience.

Regional Gateway is delighted to be supporting the event, with Editor Chloë Greenbank moderating a session on what amphibious aviation looks like from the ground (or water). Panellists, including Nicelli Airport’s Commercial Director Giacomo Zamprogno, Airways Aviation’s Mauro Calvano and OneAviation’s Fabio Sciacca will discuss the infrastructure required to facilitate amphibious aviation and the role governments can play in funding this infrastructure, the regulations that are needed to ensure cohesion across the sector, the charging requirements to complement the advent of electric propulsion, the environmental considerations and the opportunities that airports can leverage from amphibious aviation.

And what better location as a backdrop for a discussion on amphibious aviation, then Italy’s famous lagoon city,

Head image: (C) Jekta. Inset image: Venice (C) Chloe Greenbank


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